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"It all began when I went on a tour, hoping to find some furniture. I followed a sign - it said "Beautiful Chest". It led to a lady who showed me her best. She was taken by surprise when I quickly closed my eyes. So she rang the bell, and quick as hell Bob the Nob came out on his job to see what the trouble was. "Louise, is the Reverend hard to please?" "You're telling me!" "Perhaps, sir, if it's not too late. we could interest you in our old-fashioned Staffordshire plate?" "Oh no, not me, I'm a man of repute." But the Devil caught hold of my soul and a voice called out "Shoot!" To save my steeple, I visited people; for this I'd gone when I met Little John. His name came, I understood, when the judge said "You're a robbing hood." He told me of his strange foundation, conceived on sight of the Woodstock nation; he'd had to hide his reputation. When poor, 'twas salvation from door to door. But now, with a pin-up guru every week, it's Love, Peace & Truth Incorporated for all who seek." Peter Gabriel / Genesis - The battle of Epping Forest